Disordered Eating

1927422983You can’t escape images of thin bodies on Instagram and TikTok.

Different family members have struggled with their body image. So naturally, you are consumed by worries about your body getting bigger, and restricting food has become a force of habit.

Feeling full is something you fear and try to avoid at all costs. You move to control even more by counting calories, over-exercising, skipping meals, and sometimes purging.

But these behaviors leave you feeling anxious and ashamed about what you do to your body and become more entrenched each time you do it.

You hide it as much as you can.

But you also hope that maybe someone will notice how much you are suffering.

You can’t think about anything outside these worries and feel trapped.

Part of you wants to get healthy so you can feel differently, but you are afraid of relinquishing control and don’t want to give up the desire to be thin and have the body you want.

1652863819Making space for healing…

Therapy allows individuals to examine the different sides of their conflicts, making space for parts that want to get healthy and parts that are afraid of the change that requires.

All these parts will be addressed and respected in our work together so that you can take small steps in a more empowered, less anxious, less ashamed direction without feeling too overwhelmed about what you might lose in the process.

Disordered eating has a way of shrinking bodies and shrinking life into a small place where it becomes only about eating or not eating, obscuring much of what lies outside this dilemma.

Life has so much fullness to offer.

Call today for a free 15-minute phone consultation: (607) 301-1203.

We can get started and help you step into a fuller experience to feel more satisfied with your life.